Friday, 17 August 2012

My latest interests #5

So a week into my holiday time but effectively maternity leave, I am enjoying taking my time with things and keeping my own schedule.
Hypnobirthing is in full learning mode, I am trying to do something towards it everyday and then staying on top of house work too. I feel much happier with my pregnancy and just excited to have the baby here so soon. 
  • Oh oh oh I really love this simple but cute idea! I might even use this tutorial to make some christmas presents or as decorations for us. I am obsessed with christmas this year. I don't have everything figured out but I know I want to make lots of new little decorations for the baby to have as keep sakes.
  • I am certainly on the look out now for some cubes to be able to make a few of these. I can't imagine anything cuter than having some of our favourite first week pictures of baby out. 
  • Can't wait to have things like this as part of our bath times! After spending the evening with a friend and her babies I just feel so excited to be moving into a new phase of our life.
  • With my maternity leave in full flow now I am enjoying being able to do things I used to love doing but stopped making time for. Admittedly I am still slow at walking and it does take a lot of my energy I am grateful to have such beauty around me. 

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