Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Taking blogging further

I have had this space on the internet for many years and only recently have I felt that pull to write again. Zak's pregnancy and Belle being a toddler was tough, I'll share more about our 18 month age gap another day. But needless to say it has taken the last 15 weeks to get into a good place with the both of them.

Blogging has always been for me, I will not share pictures of my children often (if at all) because of how I feel about the internet and its lack of safety. However, upcycling, bargains, crafting and learning through play excites me. These are the things I will share, I will share our life to a point and that will just have to do. I have so many ideas that I am sure it will still be a good read!

If you follow my pinterest you will see the research I have been doing. I have big goals and a busy life to fit it all into! That is just part of the fun ..... right! Finding that illusive balance between computer time and making sure these babies get enough face time - not to mention the housework, cooking healthy meals and remaining a present wife to my husband. Oh and exercise. Is going to be my biggest challenge. Like I said big goals encompassing every part of my life.

If you fancy sharing any blog growth tips or insights to having a baby and a toddler, leave a comment and I will gratefully take a look!

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