Monday, 28 February 2011

Car Booty!

In America, they have this lovely word .... Thrifting. It sounds so very much nicer than car booting or shopping in second hand shops. Yet they mean the same thing! Trouble is with the English we just love to be blunt and sarcastic. 

These are my treasures! Mr HB likes his coffee and once we move into our first home together I know that this coffee set will be well used! I have the most perfect sunday planned for our first day together in our home. I will share that once it happens! 

The van is a tin from Marks and Spencer's christmas biscuit range. Trouble is I am a sucker for tins and I can just imagine our future children keeping their cars in here. 

We are off for a nice walk tonight seen as its not raining for a change! Hopefully I will come back with some lovely evening pictures. 

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