Saturday, 2 February 2013

My first ever Blog Hop Co-Host!


 It's Saturday again and that means take-away day !

Just like our favorite take-away meals I hope you can find some great blogs to take-away today.

So lets get the bloggy takeaway underway. I'm in no way making this a strict blog hop but some basic etiquette should be followed to make the hop sucessful for all participants.


1. Follow your two hosts. (1 and 2 in the list's)

2. Follow all six co-hosts (2 - 8 in the list's)

3. Add your main blog URL to link up not a specific post.

4. Visit some of the blog's you like the look of and follow, if you want leave a comment 
this is a great way to make bloggy friends.

5. Grab the button and display on your blog.



This is our first week so we are keen to tempt you back. I will be selecting everybody who links up for the next four weeks in a row and selecting at random a winner. The prize I hear you shout, A $15 Starbucks gift-card Open to UK and US only

If you want to Co-Host email me -

Ok, now get linking up from the comfort of your sofa just like a real take-away!


  1. Im co-hosting my first blog hop today also. Be sure to stop by and link up!

  2. Hi Natalie! Thank you for co-hosting this hop. I am now following along.;)

  3. Thanks for Co Hosting the blog hop. I am your newest follower. If you get the chance I would love it if you swing by and check out the Nifty Thrifty Family.

  4. Hi there I'm a new follower through this hop. Thanks for co-hosting, I look forward to reading more of your blog.

  5. Hi, thank you for linking up with the first ever Saturday Bloggy Takeaway (A blog hop) You are now entered in to the giveaway I'm running for everyone who links up for the first four weeks in a row. Once again thank you for linking up, If you have a link list then I'd appreciate a link for the blog hop. Let me know if you have a blog hop you'd like me to add to my list.
