Thursday, 28 February 2013

Quick Make #5

little gag gift for the men in our lives! I have an obsession with tins so this is brilliant!

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Quick Make #3

Perhaps this home made lip balm would make a cutesy party favour for the guests at our christening.....

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Quick Make #2

Christening is the buzz word in our house at the moment, seen as I am planning our little missy's. So I am using this time to find some good present ideas for the God Parents.

A Pouf accessory for the ladies?

Monday, 4 February 2013

Catch up

So my absence for January has been down to a few things.... a pesky gallbladder full of gallstones which meant a hospital stay, an almost 5 month old cheeky girly and a tidy house!!

I have been suffering with the pain of gallstones since the final few weeks of my pregnancy and in January things really took a turn for the worst. I was taking strong painkillers that helped for the first day but then I found I was being very sick which meant the medicine wasn't staying down long enough to take effect. We had my mum watch Belle whilst Andy and I went to A and E for some advice, I ended up being admitted and staying 4 days. I am awaiting an operation date now which was supposed to be within 2 weeks of me leaving..... good ol' NHS

My beautiful baby girl is almost 5 months old and I cannot believe it! She cut her first tooth yesterday. My baby just doesn't seem to want to stay a baby anymore, Belle is constantly trying to be on her feet or wiggling somewhere. She can roll to her side but isn't keen on being on her tummy.

This crazy house has been tidier than ever before recently, I am not sure if I have turned into something more efficient or if I have become superwoman (!!!!) Just yesterday evening I finished the dishes before making and writing all of our delayed christmas thank you notes, filed Isabelle's photo's and tried to finish her baby/pregnancy books.

Oh and recently I have also become the Saltash Town Band's secretary, which means I will now be spending some of my free time organising events/concerts for the band. A new challenge I am really looking forward to undertaking.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

My first ever Blog Hop Co-Host!


 It's Saturday again and that means take-away day !

Just like our favorite take-away meals I hope you can find some great blogs to take-away today.

So lets get the bloggy takeaway underway. I'm in no way making this a strict blog hop but some basic etiquette should be followed to make the hop sucessful for all participants.


1. Follow your two hosts. (1 and 2 in the list's)

2. Follow all six co-hosts (2 - 8 in the list's)

3. Add your main blog URL to link up not a specific post.

4. Visit some of the blog's you like the look of and follow, if you want leave a comment 
this is a great way to make bloggy friends.

5. Grab the button and display on your blog.



This is our first week so we are keen to tempt you back. I will be selecting everybody who links up for the next four weeks in a row and selecting at random a winner. The prize I hear you shout, A $15 Starbucks gift-card Open to UK and US only

If you want to Co-Host email me -

Ok, now get linking up from the comfort of your sofa just like a real take-away!